Start a Japanese branch-office.
A Japanese branch-office is sometimes a cost-effective choice for providing Japanese distributor support or customer service for companies in very specific circumstances, such as those needing to employ a small Japanese local support team to support customers in Japan under a global agreement. We do not recommend a branch-office in Japan as a sales office for any company that also does other business in Japan, unless it can clearly separate sales that involve the Japanese branch-office and sales made direct to Japanese customers that do not involve the branch-office. Companies with paid-in capital more than JPY100million equivalent should generally avoid setting up a branch-office in Japan because the Japanese Tax Code considers such companies as large enterprises and large enterprises have high minimum local income taxes.
Venture Japan’s branch-office registration services packages each include the same premium benefits::
- All services provided in English.
- Representative’s Affidavit (in Japanese and English).
- Translation of the Head-Office’s Articles of Incorporation (English to Japanese).
- Registered hardwood corporate seal.
- Receiving the Representative’s Notarized Affidavit.
- Payment of government filing fees.
- Filing the registration documents at the Legal Affairs Bureau closest to the branch-office’s registered address.
- Receipt of the branch-office’s Certificate of Registration and representative seal registration card (the Ministry of Justice usually issues these documents 10 business days after the incorporation date).
Japanese branch-office setup overview >
Branch-Office Registration Checklist >
Contact us for a Branch-Office Registration Services Agreement >